• S&A industrial water chillers for laboratory application 2 years warranty

  • S&A industrial water chillers for laboratory application 2 years warranty
  • S&A industrial water chillers for laboratory application 2 years warranty
  • S&A industrial water chillers for laboratory application 2 years warranty
  • A customer from America is looking at purchasing some precision chiller for laboratory application. The requirement is that the chillers is suitable for outdoors installation, capable of running 24/7 and the chillers have MODBUS capability. S&A chiller is able to meet the demand and recommend chiller model CW-6000. S&A water chiller CW-6000 has 3000W cooling capacity with ±0.5℃ stability, water filter installed and r410a refrigerant loaded. It has 2 temperature control modes as constant temperature and intelligent temperature control. Under intelligent mode, the water temperature is adjusted according to ambient temperature. Multiple alarm functions: co
  • Reply to: teyuchillers@teyu.com.cn

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