• S&A recirculating water chiller for laser 3d printers

  • S&A recirculating water chiller for laser 3d printers
  • S&A recirculating water chiller for laser 3d printers
  • S&A recirculating water chiller for laser 3d printers
  • A customer is interested in S&A recirculating water chiller for cooling laser 3d printers. S&A chillers’ warranty is 2 years. S&A CW-6300 series is high-precision compression refrigeration water chiller,with intelligent temperature control,completed configuration,perfect protection and alarm system.S&A industrial water chillers are popular for its 2 temperature control modes as constant temperature and intelligent temperature control. Under intelligent mode, the water temperature is adjusted according to ambient temperature. With that 1 key solution, customers no longer need to worry about the water temperature adjustment of seasonal changes. CW-6300 features: 1. 8500W cooling capacity; optional environmental refrigerant; 2.±1℃ precisely temperature control; 3.The intelligent temperature controller has 2 control modes, applicable to different applied occasions; with various setting and display functions; 4.Multiple alarm functions: compressor time-delay protection
  • Reply to: teyuchillers@teyu.com.cn

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